Partially: de-coding knowledge under islamic references

The reasons why socialism and capitalism not perfect, based on some scholars state, that they (west) understand it partially.

Some scholars mention presecutor of now days Marx, Engels, Adam Smith, Machiavelli and others, is Ibn Khaldun. Wide range of studies branched from their thoughts, how many discipline now days establish after reinaissance and then we become also understand it particially.

Before, they recognised him (Ibn Khaldun) as Fathers of Social Science, then after that they also notice how he describe his work in Macro Economics, and maybe later will be on Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing, Projects Mgmnt, why, because he put high concerns to “labour”.

So, if you dont want to miss it, after finish read all socialism, capitalism, don’t forget to read (Economics) Fiqh of Umar if you feel struggle to understand it in Quran & Hadits.

Have a nice day everyone…

de-coding knowledge under islamic references


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